Welcome to Ethanomics

Ethan Snider
2 min readJan 20, 2021

As a student, worker, and most importantly, citizen of the United States and the world, I’ve become more and more aware of inequality, injustice, and gross negligence displayed by the United States government. I’m ashamed that it took one of the worst presidencies in American history for me to realize that but as the U.S. turns the page onto the Joe Biden presidency I seek to become more active in the political realm with my view on economics. My goal isn’t to one day have Joe Biden or any subsequent president base their economic policy off of what I think because I am only one of hundreds of millions of Americans who has a right to vote in elections. My goal with Ethanomics is to educate voters about the economic implications of different public policies and proposals so we can move forward as a nation by bringing an end to systemic inequalities embedded in American society.

I’ll come out now and say I’m registered as a Democrat with the state of Maryland exclusively for primary reasons, and once Maryland allows Independent voters to vote in primaries, I’ll switch over in a heartbeat. Politically, I consider myself something of a Bernie Sanders/Ilhan Omar type but most of all I believe in policy for the people. I acknowledge that leaders on both sides of the aisle take partisanship to an extreme and politics becomes a battle of egos where the loser is the people. I believe in the fundamental human rights to healthcare, education, housing, and guaranteed access to human needs. I have an almost irrational hatred for trickle-down economics for its reliance on impossible economic hypotheticals over empirical evidence and history and the fact that it permits the financial and political elites to grow their fortunes and maintain power while a majority of their constituents and billions of other global citizens fall prey to their unfettered capitalist ventures.

With Ethanomics I hope to publish an article a week about policies or current events most relevant to life as an American and the economic causes and effects of such events. When I write (especially about economics/finance) I write with intent and evidence. I have my beliefs but they’re as fluid as they get. If I come across substantial evidence that goes against what I’ve believed I’m not afraid to admit my wrongs, even publicly on Ethanomics. I’ll always take suggestions in the comments or however you as the reader can reach me.

I’ll try to have an actual Ethanomics piece up this week, but until then, sit back and celebrate the end of a fascist presidency (and the beginning of another. Congrats Joe.).



Ethan Snider

If you hate trickle-down economics and love pages whose names are puns, this is the place for you.